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Showing posts from August, 2012

Stay Young with Silaturahmi

The Bravest Men are Those Who Can Give Forgiveness Our unique tradition as moslems are asking for forgiveness and giving forgive to each other in the day of Eid Mubarak. The young should come to their old to do so. This activity is carried on after sholat Eid in the mosque or in a football field. In this moment, family gathering takes place, so do mine. Big family aren't we? Our grandparents Me in between

Fireworks before Eid Mubarak

EID MUBARAK at KUDUS 1433 H "Minal aidzin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin" Every year, we (moslem) always celebrate our biggest religious celebration called Eid Mubarak. For me, this is the most special moment for me gathering with my family and friends. Here are some pictures of fireworks I light up the night before the shalat Eid. Something that intriguing about those pictures are because they look like star constellation. So far, Eid Mubarak is the most momental activities could happen at that day.